

Available Events

Social Media: Getting started with Digital Marketing (για εκπαιδευτικούς)
23 September 2019

Tech Talent School: Social Media, getting started with Digital Marketing (for Educators)

Learn how to use social media and measure the effectiveness of Digital Marketing.
clock 18:00 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Sharing economy: Trends & Opportunities
19 September 2019

Sharing Economy: Trends & Opportunities

PRAXIS Network in collaboration with H2B HUB organize a workshop for Sharing Economy on Thursday 19/09, at 17:45. Register now!
clock 17:45-20:00 speech Katerina Papadouli  Petros Ziogas  Iraklis Karantonis  Panagiotis Kallianis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Marketing tips for your blog/site
29 July 2019

Tech Talent School: Marketing tips for your blog/site

Learn from the experts all the Marketing tips to promote your blog/site!
clock 17:30 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Intro to LinkedIn
23 July 2019

Tech Talent School: Intro to LinkedIn as a tool to find the perfect job

An introduction to LinkedIn, the necessary tool to find the job of your dreams!
clock 19:30 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Social Media, Getting Started with Digital Marketing
15 July 2019

Tech Talent School: Social Media, getting started with Digital Marketing

Learn how to use social media and measure the effectiveness of Digital Marketing.
clock 19:30 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
3 July 2019

Tech Talent School: RASPBERRY PI, intro to a powerful educational tool

A powerful educational tool that empowers teachers into new interactive and dynamic learning methodologies!
clock 17:00 speech Michalis Miliarakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
2 July 2019

Tech Talent School: Programming with Scratch

Learn how to create educational stories and games that turn the lesson into a game!
clock 19:00 speech Michalis Miliarakis 
pin Κοροναιοθ 14, Heraklion, 71202
2 July 2019

Tech Talent School: WordPress, a tool to manage your educational website

Come to become familiar with digital tools that promote and improve the level of e-learning!
clock 17:00 speech Michalis Miliarakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Deep Neural Networks 101
29 June 2019

Deep Neural Networks 101

An intro on Deep Neural Networks and an after open Q&A session!
clock 18:00 speech Ioannis Anifantakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
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