

Available Events

12 December 2019

Tech Talent School: Safety in Social Media (for Educators)

In this seminar, Educators will learn whether students' digital print is threatening their safety. By the end of the talk, they will have been presented with some of the dangers and how their students can be protected from them!
clock 17:00 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
11 December 2019

Tech Talent School: Marketing Τips for your Blog / Site

Participating in this "Marketing tips for your blog/site" seminar, stakeholders will know how they can increase traffic to their educational blog or site, through the use of social media.
clock 17:00 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Startuptrack - Digital Marketing from 0 to 1
7 December 2019

StartupΤrack: Digital Marketing from 0 to 1

In the new series of workshops for startups at H2B HUB, we will learn about issues that matter. 2nd workshop Digital Marketing from 0 to 1 for startups!
clock 11:00-15:00 speech Spyros Tzortzis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
22 November 2019

Tech Talent School: WordPress, a tool for managing an educational website (for Educators)

The seminar is aimed at Educators , who wish to become familiar with digital tools that promote and improve the level of online learning.
clock 18:00 speech Haris Papadakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Product Box Workshop
19 November 2019

Product Box – Workshop

Product Box Workshop will help you understand how your customers view your product in terms of packaging by playing with papers and scissors.
clock 18:00 - 20:00 speech Vagelis Antoniadis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
18 November 2019

Tech Talent School: Marketing Τips for your Blog / Site (for Educators)

Learn from the experts all the Marketing tips to promote your educational blog/site!
clock 17:00 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
15 November 2019

Tech Talent School: CSS3 for Beginners. An Introduction to Front-end web development (for Educators)

In this workshop we will put together the basics to create your own educational website!
clock 18:00 speech Haris Papadakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
StartupΤrack: Accounting Essentials
14 November 2019

StartupΤrack: Accounting Essentials

In the new series of workshops for startups at H2B HUB, we will learn about issues that matter. Getting started with accounting/finance for startups!
clock 18:00-20:00 speech Gregory Kokolakis  
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
5 November 2019

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Education

This event aims to highlight creative and experiential educational practices that combine innovation with entrepreneurship and promote both the educational process and its interconnection with the local community. Join!
clock 18:00-20:00
pin Koronaiou 9, Heraklion, 71202
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