

Available Events

25 October 2019

1st Graduate Students Conference (GSC19) of CSD

1st Graduate Students Conference (GSC19) of CSD with special issue on "Building a Stronger Community". H2B Hub will be there!
clock 09:00
pin Computer Science Dpt, UoC
25 October 2019

Tech Talent School: WordPress, a tool for managing an educational website (for Educators)

The seminar is aimed at Educators , who wish to become familiar with digital tools that promote and improve the level of online learning.
clock 18:00 speech Haris Papadakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Digital transformation
21 October 2019

Digital transformation: how to get to the 4.0 era

The Enterprise Europe Network in collaboration with the H2B HUB launches the free masterclass "Digital transformation: how to get to the 4.0 era" aiming to teach us more about digital transformation and how data helps us in this.
clock 18:00 - 20:00 speech Petros Perlepes, Lead Front-line Engineer @ Welcome Pickups 
pin Κορωναίου 14, Ηράκλειο, 71202
CSS3 for Beginners Introduction to Front-end web development για εκπαιδευτικούς
18 October 2019

Tech Talent School: CSS3 for Beginners. An Introduction to Front-end web development (for Educators)

In this workshop we will put together the basics to create your own educational website!
clock 18:00 speech Haris Papadakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
11 October 2019

Tech Talent School: WordPress, a tool for managing an educational website (for Educators)

The seminar is aimed at Educators , who wish to become familiar with digital tools that promote and improve the level of online learning.
clock 18:00 speech Haris Papadakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
4 October 2019

Tech Talent School: HTML5 for Beginners. An Introduction to Front-end web development (for educators)

The seminar is aimed at educators (Public and Private), who wish to familiarize themselves with the basics of a website and learn how to construct it using HTML code. In this tutorial we will put together the basics to create your own educational website!
clock 18:00 speech Haris Papadakis 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
2 October 2019

Tech Talent School: Social Media, getting started with Digital Marketing (for Educators)

Learn how to use social media and measure the effectiveness of Digital Marketing.
clock 17:30 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
Marketing Τips for your Blog / Site (για εκπαιδευτικούς)
25 September 2019

Tech Talent School: Marketing Τips for your Blog / Site (for Educators)

Learn from the experts all the Marketing tips to promote your educational blog/site!
clock 18:00 speech Charis Kokkiadi 
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
24 September 2019

.droidconGreece: The Rise of Minos

.droidconGreece will kick off the Singularity Festival with a special opening ceremony and keynote on the 23rd of September followed by 2 packed days of tech talks, codelabs, workshops on the 24th and 25th of September. A lot of the above will be hosted from H2B Hub. 
clock 09:00-21:00
pin Koronaiou 14, Heraklion, 71202
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